Success at the 2011 Mothers Day Classic

What a busy few weeks the beginning of May was. The end of the Crossfit Games for me and then straight into final preparations for the 2011 Mothers Day Classic. And what an exciting and fantastic day it turned out to be – huge successes for the Lifestyle Fitness Training team and all the individuals that were part of it. 

I would like to say a big thank you to all those that supported the Lifestyle Fitness Training team, whether that was through running, walking or donating money. The day was a huge success and the team did so well, especially winning the trophy for the largest team in the ACT. A huge achievement by everyone involved. I was totally overwhelmed by the love and support given by so many people.

The highlights for me included the glorious weather (mind you it was very cold at 8am for the 10k runners!!!), the numerous PBs posted by most of the runners (and some walkers), and the kids that blitzed us all in their runs (9yr old Isaac Torpy came 12th in the under 15s for the 10k, and my 10yr old niece Jaimee came 16th in the under 15s for the 5k). But most of all I loved the family atmosphere and the chance for us all to get out there together, young and old, fit and not so fit, and have a great time. Thank you for that.

 Of course, most importantly, I have to mention my gorgeous sister. What an inspiration she is to us all. She was out there doing the 5k a day before going through her last round of chemo. You’re amazing and I love you to bits.

 I had thought to myself that next year I would have a sleep in for Mothers Day. However, I have had so many people approach me to say that they want to do it again (with many wanting to either run when they walked this year, or beat their time from this year). How could I say no to such a fantastic cause. So make sure those running shoes don’t gather too much dust. We’ll be back bigger and better next year!!!

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